मुख्य सामग्रीवर वगळा


Enacpsulation in C# Encapsulation is defined as the wrapping up of data under a single unit. It is the mechanism that binds together code and the data it manipulates. In a different way, encapsulation is a protective shield that prevents the data from being accessed by the code outside this shield. Technically in encapsulation, the variables or data of a class are hidden from any other class and can be accessed only through any member function of own class in which they are declared. As in encapsulation, the data in a class is hidden from other classes, so it is also known as  data-hiding . Encapsulation can be achieved by:  Declaring all the variables in the class as private and using  C# Properties  in the class to set and get the values of variables. // C# program to illustrate encapsulation using System; public class DemoEncap {  // private variables declared  // these can only be accessed by  // public methods of class  ...
अलीकडील पोस्ट


What is REST Representational state transfer it is the architectural style of building Decoupled application What is REpresentational state transfer transfer of the state of representation(json or xml) of the resource One important thing in rest is rest is all about using nouns for ex api/product/9 is nous in soap it is getproducts() is full of actions 4 type of request in http protocol can have 4 verbs GET Post Put Delete in short rest is architecture style soap is protocal when anyone tells about web api it is rest and web services  it is soap api Rest Constraints

WEB API with Auth Token1

Steps to remembers create a new app with asp.net mvc webapi select individual authentication Then add entity framwob rk to connect employee db Use asp net membership to connect to current db by setting up the default <connectionStrings>     <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString=" data source=.;initial catalog=EmployeeDB;user id=sa;password=sa; Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />   <add name="EmployeeDBEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/EmployeeDBEntities.csdl|res://*/EmployeeDBEntities.ssdl|res://*/EmployeeDBEntities.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;data source=.;initial catalog=EmployeeDB;user id=sa;password=sa;;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" /></connectionStrings> get token   post request http://localhost:64634/token requestbod...

Dependency Inversion Principle, Dependency Injection and Inversion Of Control

Dependency Inversion Principle, Dependency Injection and Inversion Of Control I’m a big fan of Dependency Injection pattern since it allows me to create more testable, maintainable and loosely coupled components. While it is easy to apply this pattern if you’ve seen some code samples you need more time to understand principles and terms around this pattern. In this article I will try to illustrate differences between those terms and explain how they come to work together. I will use well known car/engine example in this article but any example with dependency will do. All examples are written in C# language. Let’s first define few example classes: public class Engine { } public class Car { private Engine _engine ; public Car ( ) { _engine = new Engine ( ) ; } } n the example above we can see that Car (higher level component) depends on Engine (lower level component). At some point we may need to make car more reusable, for examp...

Create WCf service using 2 end points

1.  Creating a WCF service 2.  Hosting the WCF service using a console application 3.  Exposing 2 service endpoints.  4.  Creating a windows and a web Client applications.   Let's take the scenario that we discussed in  Part 2 .  We have 2 clients and we need to implement a service a for them.  1.  The first client is using a Java application to interact with our service, so for interoperability this client wants meesages to be in XML format and the protocl to be HTTP. 2.  The second client uses .NET, so for better performance this client wants messages formmated in binary over TCP protocol. In  Part 2 , To meet the requirement of the first client, we implemented a  web service  and to meet the requirement of the second client we implemented a  remoting service. In this video, we will create a single  WCF service,  and  configure 2 endpoints  to meet the requirements of both the clients. Crea...
art 2 - Creating a remoting service and a web service Suggested Videos Part 1 - Introduction to WCF In this video we will discuss creating a simple  remoting and a web service.  This is continuation to  Part 1 . Please watch  Part 1  from  WCF video tutorial  before proceeding.  We have 2 clients and we need to implement a service a for them.  1.  The first client is using a  Java application  to interact with our service, so for interoperability this client wants messages to be in  XML format  and the protocol to be  HTTP. 2.  The second client uses  .NET,  so for better performance this client wants messages formatted in  binary  over  TCP  protocol. To satisfy the requirement of the first client let's create a web service. Web services use HTTP protocol and XML message format. So interoperability requirement of the first client will be met. ...